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Building Confidence...

The main focus of my blog is to promote health of the mind, body, and soul. Encouraging healthy lifestyles with beauty and confidence. The most important factor to living a happy healthy life is Confidence.
       Confidence is the state of mind that considers positive thinking. Confidence comes from feelings of acceptance of your self-esteem, belief in your abilities, skills, and even experience. Learning and experience can help us feel confident about our abilities to carry out task and handle situations. When you combine knowledge with experience, this allows you to develop practice. Practice develops confidence and allows you to feel secure once you become familiar.
       If you find yourself having trouble struggling with confidence and self esteem, don't be discouraged. Some days we feel more confident than others. However, it is important that you focus on the well being of yourself. Positive Thoughts can be a simple way of improving your confidence. Positive thinking includes recognizing your strengths and successes. And also gaining knowledge from your weaknesses and mistakes. Take pride in your strengths and find ways to improve your weaknesses. Consider your mistakes and weaknesses as learning opportunities, and use criticism as a way to improve. Don't be defensive or allow criticism to affect your self-esteem.
       As you work on developing your confidence, you will also become more Assertive. Being assertive requires you to stand up for what you believe in and sticking to those morals. Assertiveness allows you to build a firm, direct, and honest personality without offending others. Overall, when you are tranquil and have a positive outlook on life, these positive thoughts will impact your confidence.
     Transitioning into "team natural" was a very big challenge for me. But..
It takes a confident, strong, brave woman to be able to show the world her flaws. And not care about how others judge her.. I am raw.... No weaves, no braids, no wigs, & sometimes no make-up.. Just me. Cutting my hair & starting fresh, has been a great experience thus far. As I continue to grow and find myself, I will cherish my journey every step of the way... I'm excited to see where I'm heading...& what's in store for my future... I am Confident..  I am a Queen currently under construction..

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
              Nothing can be done without hope and confidence" 
                                              -Helen Keller-
