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This week I learned something very interesting about how we communicate through love. I attended a program on my college campus called "Real Love".

So how do we know what "real love" is ? That is a very tricky question..
The 5 Love Languages is a book by Gary Chapman, which outlines five way to express and experience love in a intimate relationship.

The five languages of love according to Gary Chapman are: Words of Affrimation, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.

While it is good to know your love language and how you like to receive love... It is also very imperative to be aware of how your partner likes to receive love as well. Every individual has one primary and secondary love language. What do you think is yours?

People give love the way they prefer to receive it.
Over time , love languages do not change, however the way you should nurture your love languages will change.

So what do you believe your love languages, or your significant other's could be??
Check out this interesting book written by Gary Chapman to discover your language.
You can also download the free app on any mobile device to take daily challenges and learn more about the 5 Languages of Love. 
