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I Am Against All Odds .. The Rebirth!

Hello Everyone!

I am back with a strong reinforcement!

Against All Odds, The Rebirth is a very strong and powerful statement that has a lot of meaning in my life.
This statement merged from a feeling of truth and belief that (your) life has a purpose to fulfill. And to also reassure (you) that no matter what obstacles you may be facing in life, giving up should never be an option. Settling for less should never be good enough. And doubting yourself will never get you to the places you want to be in life. I am a victim, but today I choose to revive.

Over the past year, as a post grad and a new mom, I have struggled many days wondering "what do I do next". I can tell you one thing, giving up was never OK for me. I realized that when you are not in a comfortable space in life, the first step to making positive changes is peace at mind. A spiritual cleanse and a relationship with God is what you need. Serenity is a major factor, which influences our attitude and changes our vision of life. The relationship you have with God can help you seek that peace. And if you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel like giving up, leave it in Gods hands, because he always comes through!

Don't settle for less, fight for what you believe in and be firm. Remember your actions and decisions have a strong impact on your results in ALL aspects of life.
"You are the master of your fate, you are the captain of your soul".

Last but not the least, don't ever doubt what you can do because that will hinder you from reaching the goals you plan to seek in life. Instead believe in yourself, believe in your gifts or talents, believe in your dreams. Set goals and seek actions to put that plan into motion. Give yourself the courage to believe you can make it happen. Be optimistic..
And remember you have the strength to fight against all odds!
